Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lunarcy … Real Estate on the Moon

I don’t think we have enough strata schemes and strata apartments … anywhere.

Even the most densely populated parts of the world could have more buildings, taller buildings and smaller apartments so they house more dwellings and people.

And, that’s a good thing for lots of reasons as I’ve already posted about this year.

But, as my posts have also identified many people are opposed to creating apartments where there are already houses, want apartment buildings to be lower (not taller) and smaller and most people want larger spaces to live in. 

Since it ain’t easy getting more strata schemes built in existing areas, I thought … why not go inter-planetary and start strata developing high density dwellings the moon ? 

But, guess what ?  People are already starting to do something like that (and it’s not NASA) by selling real estate on the moon.

It seems that a few groups have claimed legal title to parts of the moon and are selling parts of their claim lunar landscape to earthbound citizens.

According to their legal advice and propositions, they argue –
  • The two international treaties covering the moon, The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and the Moon Treaty of 1984, only refer to the "exploitation of the Moon and other celestial bodies for profit purposes" and not ownership
  • The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 explicitly forbids any government from claiming a celestial resource such as the Moon or a planet
  • So, governments cannot appropriate the Moon or other celestial bodies
  • But, commercial enterprises or private individuals can claim, exploit or appropriate celestial bodies for profit
*  Please note that I’m not advocating the correctness of this logic.

Some lunar of the sellers include -

Lunar Registry -  who have the catchy slogan “Nothing could be greater than to own your own Crater” and offer you the opportunity to select and buy your own acre of moon property, complete with an elegantly engraved and personalized parchment deed certificate, full mineral rights (including Helium-3), a satellite photograph of your moon real estate, geographic information to help locate your land on the moon (whether you're viewing it through a telescope or visiting in person) and much more!

Lunar Embassy - who can offer you land on the moon and a variety of other planets too.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees (funny thing that isn’t it) and there are competing claims for some lunar sites.  Plus, there’s no guarantee you will ever actually be able to use the lunar land you own.  

But it’s cheap.  For instance, a 1 acre plot in the Sea of Vapours costs US$18.95  (and that includes a neat looking certificate of title).

However, remember that currently it’s slow, dangerous and difficult to get there and back.  Manned trips to the moon have taken between 3.5 and 8 days and for the time being you’ll have to become an astronaut.  Plus when you get there you’ll only be allowed about 30 minutes on the surface which is not really long enough to enjoy your new property.

But, I suppose, you could look at your lunar land from a telescope provided you don’t buy on the dark side of the moon.

So, I’m thinking of buying a few hectares and getting a community title scheme approved with 30 - 40 apartment towers, some office towers and giant shopping mall, sports and entertainment complex for future development.

Do you wan’t to buy a cheap apartment off the plan … completion due in 2051 (give or take a decade) ???

Francesco …

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