Thursday, July 1, 2010

Not Getting Enough Strata Law ??

Like you … I realize just how fascinating and exciting strata title law is and can’t get enough.  So, with only 7 states in Australia and over 20 Courts and Tribunals deciding strata cases we’re struggling to get enough strata law in this country. 

We could go to New Zealand for more since it’s close and similar (legally at least) but that’s only 2 more sources. 

But, luckily our Canadian cousins have a similar strata title legal system and also speak English (not American).

I mentioned Nelligan O’Brien Payne in an earlier post (Our Strata Cousins in Canada) and they publish something called Condo Law which summarises legal happenings and cases in Canada. 

You can subscribe to it yourself or read it in the Resources & Links section of my webpage – just follow this link.

As I always say … a few lawyers and some more cases always helps.

Francesco ...

1 comment:

  1. So, with only 7 states in Australia and over 20 Courts and Tribunals deciding strata cases we’re struggling to get enough strata law in this country. anti sectarian arrests
