Monday, April 25, 2011

Sustainable Strata Buildings are Growing Like Tulips

The whole world is focused on reducing energy use and making buildings sustainable.

So, there’s more and more proposals for green buildings ranging from simple to wild.  But, what I’m interested in the residential ones so, here’s another one from Netherlands called Zuidkas.

It’s commissioned by the Government Buildings Agency in the Netherlands, Architectenbureau Paul de Ruiter‘s design is centered around a rooftop-based ecosystem that will sustain and enrich the structure’s offices, homes, school, and restaurants in addition to a park, a biogas electrical plant and retail facilities.

Energy consumption is one of the key issues taken into consideration in the design. The residential units are designed to accommodate energy spikes during the morning and evenings, while the office spaces take advantage of steady rates through the middle of the day. The goal is to maintain energy efficiency throughout the building at different times during the day, providing the most efficient energy use while reducing waste.
The building will be encased in a glass shell that is designed to act as a buffer against elements of heat and cold. Additionally, plant waste from the greenhouse and toilet water from the building will be collected and sent to an on-site co-fermentation plant to be converted into biogas that will heat the tap water and parts of the structure.
It’s another example of what can (and should) be done in residential strata.
So, see you in a green(er) strata building soon.

Francesco …

1 comment:

  1. Francesco
    You are correct in saying that more buildings are being built as sustainable for energy and the environmental effect, but the actual costs of the contracts in Queensland Australia for the Caretaking and letting agreements (25 years) being indexed at greater than CPI will not make a building sustainable. This requires changing to 3 years and being tendered for a fair market price.
