Thursday, September 23, 2010

108 Problems in the new Section 109 Certificates

Yesterday ISTM ran a breakfast seminar about the new NSW Strata Schemes Management Regulations (see Today we have a Surprise !!  New NSW Strata Laws) and highlighted the surprising and un-foreshadowed changes to the information certificate NSW strata schemes have to give prospective purchasers under section 109.

The new format requires a lot more information than before that's causing concern like -
  • More details about the levies due for the lot like the period each levy covers, the actual due date, and why the levy is in credit or deficit (this applies separately to administrative fund, sinking fund and special levies)
  • More details about the amounts due for costs of proceedings under section 229
  • Details of the office bearers (chairperson, secretary and treasurer)
  • Explanations about why the levies payable to a building management committee or community scheme are in credit or deficit
  • Details of any amounts the strata scheme must pay for things that are not connected with maintenance or insurance of common property like the payee, the purpose of the payment, the next payment amount and due date, any amounts in credit and the total outstanding
The speakers explained that it was unlikely that any existing strata management software could automatically generate the new certificates and that they needed to be done manually.

And, it seems that there is not likely to be any change to these requirements in a hurry.  And, in reality what's wrong with giving owners and purchasers more and better information ???

So, what do schemes and their managers need to do ?  Well a few things seem clear (to me at least).
  1. Any certificates issued now must be in the correct form and contain the required details to be valid ... so whatever needs to be done must be done
  2. It's hard to imagine that the government will make changes to reduce the amount of information to be disclosed in the certificates ... so the changes are here to stay
  3. Some definitional matters in the new information are unclear ... so schemes and managers need to get advice and take view about what's in (and out)
  4. ISTM should issue a best practice guide about what it's members should do ... as a member service 
  5. Strata software providers should upgrade their software to be compliant ... quickly
  6. Owners and purchasers should expect that certificates will take longer to produce ... and understand that it's the fault of the government's surprise changes
  7. It's likely that just being paid the prescribed fee (now $104) will not be enough to cover the extra work ... so managers may have to negotiate fee increases with schemes
Change is always a challenge but action is always the best solution.

I'm interested in your views about the changes to setion 109 certificates and how best to implement them too.

Francesco ...


  1. Since posting this morning I've recieved an email from Maxsoft which I reproduce below ... well done guys !
    Francesco ...
    Maxsoft Email 24 September 2010

    Hi Francesco

    We are certainly well aware of the new regulations and specifically the requirements for Section 109 Certificates.

    StrataMax delivered an update of the BCMax program a few days after the regulations were issued that provides for production of the Section 109 Certificate in a fully automated fashion. We have dealt with the linking of Associated Schemes and Building Management Committees, editable generic wording for the “Reason for amounts outstanding or in credit” and for the supply of information for Item 17 for amounts payable to any other person of body for amount not connected to maintenance or insurance.

    We have had much experience in designing data collection, storage and output for these very purposes. To this end we have provided our clients with the ability to provide additional information for automatically for each certificate produced both in house and on line via the StrataMax web site (including integrated payment facility).

    I see that your blog suggests that no major software company has provided this facility. I would appreciate you changing this to make readers aware that StrataMax is the only software company to achieve this and in a timely fashion.

  2. And since reposting this morning I've recieved an email from Rockend which I reproduce below ... well done guys !
    Francesco ...
    Rockend Email 24 September 2010

    Hi Francesco

    STRATA Master Version 2.5.5 has been released on 16th September.
    There are a number of significant enhancements, one of which being the changes required to accommodate the new Section 109 Certificate as outlined in the new regulations.
    All subscribers of the software are entitled to upgrade to this version.

    We communicated this to our user base yesterday morning, and as many users returned to their offices following the ISTM briefing session they commenced upgrading.
    Although there are sections of the certificate that must be manually completed due to interpretation of the changes (such as Section 17 of the certificate), all required information is merged from the database including details relating to associated Communities, Precincts and/or Building Management Committees.

    Stratamatic Version 1.50.0 is also due to be released early week, and this also includes the required changes for the Section 109.
