Sunday, January 29, 2012

Google Maps Inside Strata Buildings?

Google Maps has become the ubiquitous way to find things anywhere on earth from your computer, laptop, iPad, tablet, iPhone or Android device.  But, up until now Google Maps was limited to streets, buildings and other major landmarks (from the outside).

In the latest release of Google Maps for Android enables you to figure out where you are and see where you might want to go when you’re indoors.  Google Maps 6.0 for Android includes directions inside buildings like airports, shopping malls or retail stores helping you determine where you are, what floor you're on, and where to go indoors. 

It's pretty cool and you can watch a short video about it below.

But, why not extend it to apartment complexes so you can see where apartments are located (by building, floor, street entrances, etc) and where shared facilities are within strata buildings?  It wouldn't be any harder than doing it for public spaces and would improve amenity in strata buildings for owners, residents, visitors, delivery people, managers, real estate agents, etc.

Maybe we'll see Google Maps in your strata building soon.

Francesco ...


  1. Extending Google Maps to apartment complexes is a great idea Francesco.

    What about mapping fire exit routes. This would not only help residents understand the best route of escape, but also help fire departments plan efficient entry points. Just a thought...

    Thanks for the post,


    1. Mat

      Fire exit routes and the best access for emergencies are even more important than building amenities as they'll save lives.

      And, with a bit of thought we could think up another dozen or so useful things to map out in buildings (like meters, fire hydrants, plant rooms, etc).

      So, who's going to do the mapping?

      Francesco ...
