It's a worthwhile topic and many strata apartment buyers could certainly benefit from more knowledge.
But, it also made me think about the idea of 'new' and 'used' apartments and why people don't (and shouldn't) think about them like cars or other products.

But it's not quite the same for strata apartments.
Older apartments aren't cheaper than new (and in some case the opposite occurs as developers offer incentives to sell in slow markets and discounts for pre-construction sales). And, people don't tend to think of apartments as used. The apartment features do make a difference to buyers but, surprisingly, the levels of pre-purchase inspection (building and strata records) are much lower than for cars.
Despite strata apartments being a manufactured product (bricks, timber, steel, glass and finishes) with a finite life - they are marketed and perceived to be like land by most stakeholders. To me it's an interesting outcome that does not match the reality of strata ownership.
So, wanna buy a slightly used strata apartment - only occupied by a little old lady on Sundays?
Francesco ...
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