Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Specialist Strata Tribunal (this time in Canada)

In British Columbia strata disputes have to be decided by the Supreme Court.

So, owners and strata corporations complain about the cost, complexity and delay that this causes – making everyone less able to deal with disputes and enforce strata laws.  And, after public consultation there’s a new proposal in BC to introduce a specialist tribunal.

It’s said that the proposed tribunal would provide a dispute resolution process that is affordable, timely, user-friendly and accessible, and would improve compliance with strata laws.  It will also use web-based systems, provide flexible and responsive options for disputes and would not require a lawyer, although the parties might still choose to retain legal representation.  Mediation will be available to parties.

There will still be matters that must be addressed through an application to the B.C. Supreme Court.

Importantly for strata stakeholders who have not yet been involved in disputes, the proposed tribunal would establish a searchable database of tribunal decisions and opinions, with personal information removed.

This sounds like many specialist strata tribunals that have been set up around the world (including in Australia) and opinions are being sought by the Housing Policy Branch at – ex.htm 

You can read more about the new tribunal at the Times Colonist.

And if you're interested express your opinion too.

Francesco ….

1 comment:

  1. It's a start for BC.....small steps are better than no steps. Thank you for sharing! Cheers
