Thursday, March 17, 2011

Vroom Vroom …. Strata Car Sharing

What have cars got to do with strata buildings?

In fact, there’s a lot.  And, one of the more recent (and interesting) is how strata buildings and owners can take advantage of the car sharing.

Car sharing is a convenient and reliable way use a car without the cost and hassle of car ownership by booking car use online for an hour or a day and picking the car up from convenient nearby locations.  People join a car share scheme, get a smart cards (which acts as a car key) and after booking online or by phone, pick up a car from reserved green bays on nearby streets … and returns it to the same reserved space.  Hourly costs usually range between $6 - $10, plus costs per kilometer.

There are already more than four thousand people in the City of Sydney in car share schemes and over 200 cars available in reserved parking spaces in the Sydney local area.

Sydney City Council supports the program and has made 180 public spaces available for car sharing. 

But, of course, many strata buildings could also provide hundreds more car parking spaces for car sharing.

Car sharing is good for people since there’s no need to own a car, no need to worry or hunt for a parking spot, low rates by the hour, reduces demand for new cars, encourages more sustainable travel using public transport, walking and cycling.  So, it’s good for the environment. 

But it’s also good for strata buildings as it helps residents without cars and can raise money for the strata corporation to help reduce owner levies. 

One car share vehicle can replace up to ten private vehicles that would otherwise compete for local parking space.

There are a few operators of car sharing in Sydney including –

See you when I drop of my car share Prius off tomorrow.

Francesco ….

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